Saturday, December 9, 2006

Update on Dad 2:24pm

Had a steady flow of family and dad/s friends in. Just got back from lunch but food at kOPITIAM is uninspiring.Unlike the rest of NUS, which is full of Spinelli stands, NUS is SPINELLI free. Yeap, trust a foodie to always look for food in even the most dire of situations.

Dad has got out of his sedated state. But that's where the nurses are going to find resistence. He was struggling even though he has been tied down to the bed. He's trying to force the tubes out of his throat. I went in and managed to hold his hand for a bit.

It's really painful to see him struggle. His friends and my 3rd aunt, my godsis, my cousin were all surprised to see him so worn down. It's even harder when you live in the same house and never realise what's been going on. Again, the guilt, frustration and self-blame sinks in. I just hope and want my dad to pull out of this. Even if he's going to be less than 100%, I just hope God gives him more time. There's so much more we haven't done together yet.

Haven't got any news from the doctors - the ICU team or the cardiologist yet. They say 'No news is good news.' One can only hope so.

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