Monday, December 11, 2006

Update on Dad 11 Dec 9:21am

I could not blog at NUH, as I seem to have lost the NUS Wireless connection after the last update. I got the Wireless@SG site but it's so slow. What to do? Free service. The connection always gets lost!

I left NUH around 9 or so last nite. Same thing to report as the last update. Everyone just keeps telling me to be prepared for the worst. At times I get tired of updating everyone, not coz I am being selfish but repetition isn't fun. Then I have also got to deal with situations where people may say 'see la, never watch his diet' or 'why didn't you take him to see a doctor earlier?'. It's as if I'm being slapped on with a negligence suit.

Thanks for all who have stopped by my blog to keep updated. Thanks for prayers and the affirmation. My house is a mess, my clothes unwashed and unironed. I also have one mischievous kitten to deal with when I get home. Sonic is a little down, knowing that he can't 'bully' his kongkong for more treats or more food. I let him sleep with me the first night but he got scratched by lil Ms Halia for poking his nose near her face. So if you come to my house anytime soon, please don't complain that it looks like a beggar's hovel. My spring cleaning process got stopped half way due to the project and now dad.

Over and out and hopefully you'll be able to get updates on my blog.

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