Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ode to My Family

It's 5:47am. Been coughing so much that my right side hurts. Drakon assures me it isn't appendicitis. That coming from a man who doesn't have any left. For friends far away, don;t worry, he's healing fine. Just don't expect him in a bikini ever.

I've been nursing a viral infection since my last post. I woke up one Saturday morning and my voice suddenly turned hoarse. It became a full blown throat infection by Sunday. Bad enough that I asked the doc for antibiotics. Being sick also meant I couldn't go visit my uncle HT. I could really see how brotherly love works in his relationship with daddy. Dad's passing did not just affect me but his siblings. Uncle, who was in his early 80s, had been getting weaker. When the call came Wednesday AM, just as I was about to leave for work, I lost no time to be with my cousin, who had been with me through the NUH days. Sad I was to see one of my favourite uncles go but happy because he could be with his loved ones, safe in the Lord's arms.I shall miss his happy chuckle which I remember since my childhood days and all the love and support he gave me during the difficult days of 2002.

That leaves my third aunt. She's a spritely one and a kind person. Used to be terrified of her booming voice when I was little. As I grow older and became closer to her in the past 2-3 years or so, I realise that she's my favourite aunt. How difficult it must be to lose 2 brothers in a space of 6 months. I should take time to spend more time with her if she is willing to 'chill' with me. My family may have its fair share of ups and downs, which family doesn't? But it's my family and I am thankful that they accepted me into the fold. As Martha Stewart would say,"Now that's a good thing."

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