Friday, May 4, 2007

Life and such

Had a late night phone call from my cousin in Indonesia. One of my distant cousins, whom Dad was extremely close to, passed away yesterday afternoon. They had been neighbours when Mom and Dad were living at Thomson Ridge, before I was born. In fact, they lived in Thomson Ridge all the way through the 70s. I remember enjoying visiting them as they had a yard for me to run around in. A little later, the elder of the two brothers came and worked for my Dad in Bun Bee until Dad retired.

I 'skipped' school today - going to attend the funeral. My cousin TB had come to NUH everyday to visit Dad. They had gotten very close since Mom passed away. I could always count on 'Ah Hia' to turn to when Dad's R problems got to me. I knew he was upset when Dad died as they met up every other day or at least chatted daily. Their friendship made me realise that men can be as 'pak kuat' as women! Funny how we drove past Sheng Siong at Tekka Mall on Tuesday and I was just thinking if Dad were still around, he would be asking us to drop him there so he could hang out and chill with the SMC - the Siantan's Men Club.

It'll also be the first time I am headed to Mandai Columbarium since Dad's funeral. Mixed emotions. I dreamt of mom and dad this morning in fact, asking me to remember not to be late for the funeral. In my dream, I had taken them to Vivo City and Sentosa. Been dreaming a lot of them lately. Well, time to get ready to go.

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