A bit slow as usual...wouldn't be the NO.1 procrastinator otherwise.An old college mate from my WSU days commented via Facebook that my blog was full of angst. Shall try to be less angsty...only if my life sort off stops being so tumultuous.
Finally convinced el-cheapo that we should go watch a movie yesterday. There's only one movie at the moment that I do feel like watching anyway.I sure did not regret it. I thoroughly enjoyed The Darjeeling Limited, as much as I do a cup of piping hot Darjeeling tea on a cold, monsoon afternoon. It was a comedy of sorts, yet it does not have the slapstick, crass humor of Borat or Naked Gun. To me, it was quite a poignant drama which examines the rather uneasy relationship of the 3 Whitman boys, as they set off on their 'spiritual journey' through India. I shan't give too much away.
Loved Adrian Brody, the funky glasses and his cool suit. Something about those puppy dog eyes. Jason Schwartzman, co-writer who also plays the youngest Whitman (and is Francis Ford Coppola's nephew) reminds me so much of Ringo Starr. In fact, there's something Beatle-esque about the movie. Deliberate or otherwise, it was like watching the Beatles on their journey to India in the 60s.
The colors of India and the mad cap adventures of the Whitman brothers really make this a movie that I would consider getting on DVD. Just like Monsoon Wedding. The other thing I have been hunting for is the original soundtrack to the movie. The campy early Bollywood type music - so reminiscent of the days when my mom spent Saturdays watching Hindi movies on RTM.
Check out the web on http://www.foxsearchlight.com/thedarjeelinglimited.Reviews available on Rotten Tomatoes http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/darjeeling_limited.It may not be everyone's cup of tea (pardon the pun) but for me, there's something that I can relate to in the movie.
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