First - a pix of Made. The kittens are almost 2 months old and are a real handful. Still not quite potty trained yet so there are accidents to watch out for. They are really fun to watch now that they can scamper around. They have also invaded MJ's turf, which has resulted in the original Garfield moving back to being a blob on my bed. Wayan is fascinated with MJ's tail and has been swiped a few times by his irritated daddy. Wayan will grow up to be a real greedy pig - he was trying to dip his face into my hee pio soup during my dinner!
Of course dinner came with a rather extravagant tenderloin. We bought a slab of prime steer tenderloin from New Zealand yesterday at a new deli that has opened up at the HDB estate on Sunset Way. The sleepy hollow is the newest foodie joint in the West. So critics who say the Westside lacks food, time to change your mind. Of course, Sunset was known for Chin Huat and its buffet steamboat since I was in junior college. That has since closed but their seafood restaurant remains. Other than that, the small HDB estate is better known for the vets and Balmoral Cake Shop. I had only just discovered Swiss-Link Bakery, another joint where I can get decent bacon and eggs for breakfast. They also do decent apple and shepherd's pies. They are sort of in between a 7-Eleven and a hairdresser.
We knew Rocky's at Rail Mall had relocated to Block 106 Sunset Way. My friend Boon See used to have a branch of her clinic there. The whole stretch were dry markets that served the residents of this little sleepy hollow at the edge of Clementi.On my bus ride home on 75 the other day, noticed a huge billboard proclaiming the transformation of the block into a new dinning experience. I must say it looks promising. Besides Rocky's and Absolutely New Zealand, where I got my prime steer tenderloin (ooooh prime steer...hard to get), there are 6 other new eateries that have sprung up. HDB has built a wooden deck all around for al fresco dinning. Given that Sunset is not your typical huge HDB housing estate, it is nice.
Been having home cooked dinners at home past few days so I haven't had the chance to try any of the restaurants. Have shopped at Absolutely New Zealand for frozen raspberries (for the cupcakes?), onion marmalade and sea salt. They also serve coffee take outs and some cakes. The proprietress was really friendly and we got to talking, me sharing about how excited I was to see that she stocked prime steer. Of course, she found out about Dad, Uncle Tat and Bun Bee. Ah, an old-timer who has heard of us. Made me miss the good ole days. The tenderloin was divine...after being lightly pan grilled with butter.
I am definitely looking forward to trying the food at this new makan area. Watch this space for updates. Anyone want to go on a food jaunt with me?